Thanks to Our 2023 CMGA AGM Sponsors and Participants!

The CMGA board and staff would like to thank our 2023 AGM sponsors. Your support is helping our industry grow!

Thanks as well to our 47 participants, CMGA members and guests, for joining us in person or virtually for this annual event. Your presence has renewed your support for your organization, and this is what we need to continue working for the best interest of our members and the Association.

Look for the 2023 CMGA AGM summary in our next CMGA mailing or in the next Meat Goat Journal!

Other news


Thanks to the Sponsors of our 2025 AGM & Breeders Education Day!

The organization of this event would not have been possible without our sponsors....


Producer Spotlight: Triple G Ranch

Producer Name: Gwenn R. Dexter Farm Name: Triple G Ranch Location: Glenmont, Nova Scotia Goat breed: Boer,...


Launching the CMGA e-store!

Just in time for the holidays! Find the perfect gear to represent the...


Thanks to the Sponsors of our 2025 AGM & Breeders Education Day!

The organization of this event would not have been possible without our sponsors....


Producer Spotlight: Triple G Ranch

Producer Name: Gwenn R. Dexter Farm Name: Triple G Ranch Location: Glenmont, Nova Scotia Goat breed: Boer,...


Launching the CMGA e-store!

Just in time for the holidays! Find the perfect gear to represent the...

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