Join the Canadian Meat Goat Association and be involved in paving the way for the future of the Meat Goat Industry.
Includes an Active membership plus the choice of your herd’s name and tattoo letters. In order to register your animals, a one-time application for Herd Name and Tattoo letters must be filled out and approved.
Have the right to vote, hold office and give notice to amend the CMGA bylaws - can register and transfer animals at members’ rates - can advertise in the Canadian Meat Goat Journal at members’ rates - receive the Canadian Meat Goat Journal - are listed in the Membership Directory on the CMGA website
Receive the Canadian Meat Goat Journal - are listed in the Membership Directory on the CMGA website - can advertise in the Canadian Meat Goat Journal at members’ rates
Individuals who have not yet attained the age of 18 years (as of January 1 of the year of membership) - can register and transfer animals at members’ rates - can advertise in the Canadian Meat Goat Journal at members’ rates - receive the Canadian Meat Goat Journal - are listed in the Membership Directory on the CMGA website - are eligible to attend the AGM and associated conferences at no cost CMGA
All memberships applications must be done through the Canadian Livestock Records Corporation (CLRC).
Join My Association | Canadian Livestock Records Corporation (
Join the Canadian Meat Goat Association and be involved in paving the way for the future of the Meat Goat Industry.
155, Ave des Erables, Quebec
G0L 3E0
155, Ave des Erables, Quebec G0L 3E0
Copyright © 2025 Canadian Meat Goat Association. All rights reserved.
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