Registrations and Transfers

The CMGA acts under the Animal Pedigree Act and is the sole registering body for Boer and Kiko goats in Canada.

The CMGA, through its bylaws, is responsible to set the Rules of Eligibility for the registration of Boer and Kiko goats.

To learn more about how to register your goats, consult the breeders guides for Boer and Kiko goats.

Breed Standards

The goal of the Breed Standards is to improve the breed and to increase productivity by identifying what the Association has deemed the Ideal Goat. Although any animal may be registered if parentage is correct and it conforms to the minimum standard of the breed, the Breed Standards are providing a guideline for producers to follow when selecting breeding stock, herd replacements and show stock.

Become a CMGA member

Join the Canadian Meat Goat Association and be involved in paving the way for the future of the Meat Goat Industry.