The Canadian Meat Goat Journal (MGJ) is published twice yearly and is the official publication of the CMGA. The MGJ will be mailed twice yearly in summer and winter.
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The Canadian Meat Goat Journal welcomes the submission of articles, press releases, and photographs of potential interest to Canadian producers of meat goats. We cannot be responsible for unsolicited material and encourage email or phone queries before you submit. Contact the CMGA Office for more information.
Winter issue – End of October (distributed mid-December)
Summer issue – End of May (distributed mid-July)
Circulation: The Journal is sent out 2 times per year to all of our 200 members, subscribers and industry partners.
Complementary distribution: we distribute copies of our Journal annually at fairs, shows, trade fairs, and other events of agricultural importance.
Winter issue – End of October (distributed mid-December)
Summer issue – End of May (distributed mid-July)
Twice yearly spring and fall members are sent the CMGA Express highlighting CMGA’s project, programs and activities.
The Canadian Meat Goat Journal is the only Canadian magazine specializing in meat goat husbandry and production. In addition to CMGA news, it contains practical information on goat health, management, and marketing. You can either subscribe by filling this form and sending it to, or by filling the form below.
The Canadian Meat Goat Journal is comprising two hard copies and two electronic newsletters. The paper copies will arrive July and December and the electronic newsletters will be sent in March and August.
155, Ave des Erables, Quebec
G0L 3E0
155, Ave des Erables, Quebec G0L 3E0
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